There is plenty that needs to be done to the house, and sadly the craft room just wasn't a priority....until now. The biggest reason is because since we've started "Springfield Stitches", and we've acquired some donations, and I've hated that they have been boxed up and not on display as they should be.
A conversation I had with Robert several weeks ago set the wheels in motion...
Before I knew it I had the spare room emptied into the front room, Robert had it patched and the trim work done, and for a cheap lunch in Petersburg, my friend Patti was up to the task of helping me paint!!! (And I have to say on 2 other occasions, Patti was kind enough to help me sift and sort through 34 years worth of "I gotta have this" and "I may never use it, but isn't this cute", so Patti, I thank you, you are truly a friend)
Well this past weekend, it was finished. Robert had put up the shelves and now it was up to me to put the stuff back. I"m about half way done.
The idea is that the middle of the room will remain empty so that I can have some girls over to scrap-book, just pop up a table and we're set, since now I have the perfect space for it!
Tonight Robert's brother Scott came for a visit. Those two are in the living room watching some stupid boy movie, and I am supposed to be finishing the organization of my perfect "just for me " space.
However, instead I am blogging, playing online poker, having a cold one, printing off cards warning that the chemo caps may contain wool, getting together the contents a CD that I will give to all of you that has patterns and such..and most importantly just enjoying my new space.
Don't get me wrong I love my family dearly. Robert is wonderful, and I love our 5 (not a typo, I said 5) dogs. But it's the most amazing thing right now to have some space that I don't have to share.
Nobody is needing anything from me right now, or if they do, I can't hear them in here!!
There's so much more I really need to be doing in here, but for tonight, I'm just going to relax and enjoy.

I swear, the bottom shelf is all donated yarn for our charity projects, only the top 2 belong to me (and I've crammed it into one) I had NO IDEA what a yarn hoarder I was untill I had to drag it all out, but if nothing else, charity projects will be a fantastic way to use up my stash!!
The below picture is the view from my chair right now. Yes it's messy and I am totally supposed to be working on it right now....but selfishly, I just want to enjoy this right now, it's the first time I haven't been "working" on my new space!
This is the "Scrapping Workstation"...

WOW! Looks amazing. I love that funky color ;)