So on Friday night we had dinner with my folks. My mom has been itching to learn to knit (you'd have to know my mom to know how funny this is, if you think I AM high-strung, you don't know high strung until you meet my mom, she isn't one for sitting down for very long, but she is REALLY impressed with our charity knitting and wants to get involved, so I'm hoping I can teach her) Anyway, I will capture that experience in a later post, the point is that I needed to show her "cast on" and "knit" only, I didn't want to get into "purl".
So since we (and when I say "we" I mean "Robert") just painted the bathroom, I thought this would be a good time for me to make some washcloths for myself, and a good time to practice washcloths. So I brought along some yellow "Sugar & Cream" yarn I just bought and some needles.
I didn't realize what a HUGE difference a few needle sizes can make, until I started this washcloth. They recommend a 7 for a reason.....I used a 10 and I could have easily ended up with a towel!!!
But at least I was able to show my mom the gist of "Knitting 101", and I threw it in the washer when I was done, it seemed to do well and it's in the dryer now...I'm anxious to see how well it holds up.
This is one of our dogs, Cooper, she LOVES to hop up on my lap when I'm knitting!!

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