Thursday, February 26, 2009

Meeting Notes

We had our 1st official "Springfield Stitches" meeting last night. Thank you for coming, I hope it was informative and you had a good time.

Basically we discussed our new project "Washcloths". From March -May, we'll be doing washcloths.

I'm hoping to get in touch with someone at Sojourn, so that they can be the recipients of our cloths. If that doesn't pan out, it's been suggested that Mini O Beirne or Ronald McDonald house could use them. So we are definitely doing washcloths, we're just looking for a recipient.

We also had some raffle prizes. We had a book, needle cases and a full set of Denise Needles (Rebekah won those, she needed a body guard to protect her when leaving...we ALL threatened to beat her up and take them!!) HAHA

I also put together a CD and some patterns and some flyers, and some beaded stitch markers, so if you weren't able to make it to the meeting I'll be sure to get a "goody bag" to you next time I see you.

We had a lot of laughs, so again, thank you for coming. We'll plan on getting together at the kick off of each new project.

We also collected 26 chemo caps and I hear that Judith, (Our 1 woman knitting machine) has 20 more caps ready. So that's 46 to add to our 119 .....which means we exceeded our goal of 150 for a grand total of 167!!!!!!! WOW... you should all be so proud that's AMAZING!!!!! I will be getting those to Marilyn in the next week or so.

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